North East Fife is a diverse and beautiful constituency, taking in Levenmouth, the Howe of Fife, the East Neuk, the royal burgh of Cupar and communities on the south banks of the Tay. It is home to Leuchars Army and former RAF base. St Andrews is the home of golf. It is also home to St Andrews University, Scotland’s oldest university, established in 1413.
The university is the area’s major employer. My constituency’s other industries include tourism, farming, agriculture and our vital fishing communities. One area that combines a number of these is the growth in distilleries in the constituency that are providing both produce and visitor attractions. Our whisky distilleries and North East Fife’s increasing number of gin distilleries, such as Eden Mill, Pilgrim’s, Darnley’s of Kingsbarns and Lundin Links.
I am delighted to see that the reinstatement of ​the Levenmouth railway is now moving forward. This will see one of the local communities that is most poorly served by public transport properly connected to the central belt of Scotland. I commend the work of the members of the Levenmouth Rail Campaign for their efforts in this regard.

Me and my casework team have dealt with over 20,000 constituency cases since January 2020 and continue to support constituents across a range of local and national issues and personal concerns.
People are at the heart of all the Communities and are very engaged with local issues, such as the removal of services, including cash points and post offices, access to Banks and local amenities.
Rural poverty, geographic isolation, travel links, caring responsibilities, health and wellbeing, cost of living, education and environmental issues are concerns brought to me.
Lack of affordable housing in North East Fife also continues to be very challenging.
North East Fife Contacts
Health & Wellbeing Support
‘The Well’, health and social care support - find your nearest hub here: https://www.fifehealthandsocialcare.org/your-community/the-well/ or call 03451 551500 or email thewell@fife.gov.uk
​Fife Council
Fife Council homepage: https://www.fife.gov.uk/
Out of hours inquiries (social work, repairs, environment, housing, money, passes + concessions, registrations, building control etc.): 0345 155 0099
Community Support Line (cost of living help e.g. benefit checks, fuel and food support): 0800 952 0330
Homelessness Support:
To register as homeless: 03451 550033 (weekdays 9am-6pm) or 0800 028 6231 (after 6pm and weekends).
General support via Frontline Fife: 01592 800430
Health & Social Care:
Adult Protection: 01383 602200
Social work: 03451 55 15 03 (9am to 5pm), BSL Translation SMS service at 07781 480185, BT Text Direct 18001 03451 55 15 03 (9am to 5pm)
Energy Support & Advice:
Cost of living: https://www.fife.gov.uk/kb/docs/articles/benefits-and-money-advice/cost-of-living-support
Our Fife: https://our.fife.scot/gethelp (general cost of living page) and https://our.fife.scot/gethelp/local-support/north-east-fife (North East cost of living page)
Fife Council Partnerships:
Fife Private Rental Solutions: https://fifeprivaterentalsolutions.co.uk/
Fife Voluntary Action (directory): https://www.fva.org/directory.asp
Fife Women's Aid
24hr helpline for women: 0808 802 5555
Helpline for children and young people: 0808 801 0422
Email: info@fifewomensaid.org.uk
Website: https://fifewomensaid.org.uk/
Fife Citizen’s Advice
Citizen’s Advice Bureau: https://www.cabfife.org.uk/ and https://www.cabfife.org.uk/get-advice/advice-areas
Scottish and UK-Wide Contacts
Health & Wellbeing Support
NHS Inform: 0800 22 44 88
NHS24 (non-emergencies): call 111
Mental Health
Breathing Space: 0800 83 85 87 and https://www.breathingspace.scot/
Scottish Action for Mental Health: 0344 800 0550 (Monday to Friday 9am-6pm) and email at info@samh.org.uk
Shout: Text 85258 and visit https://giveusashout.org/
Samaritans Scotland Helpline: Call 116 123, email jo@samaritans.org, find a branch near you at https://www.samaritans.org/scotland/branches/ or write a letter with Freepost SAMARITANS LETTERS
NHS Inform helpline: 0800 22 44 88
NHS Scotland Covid-19 Services: https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19
NHS Inform Long Covid: https://www.nhsinform.scot/long-covid
Long Covid Scotland – support network: https://www.longcovid.scot/support
Silverline (Age UK)
24hr helpline for older people: 0800 4708090
Welfare Advice & Support
Universal Credit: www.gov.uk/how-to-claim-universal-credit
Employment Support Allowance (ESA): www.gov.uk/employment-support- allowance/how-to-claim
Employment Rights Advice
Acas: https://www.acas.org.uk/, call 0300 123 1100 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm), for BSL email accessibleservices@acas.org.uk, Relay UK text: 18001 0300 123 1100
Foreign Travel Advice
Government advice: https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice
Consular services for British nationals: +44 (0)20 7008 5000 (24hr, 7 days, urgent helpline)
Services for British nationals overseas: https://www.gov.uk/going-and-being- abroad/british-nationals-overseas
Energy Support & Advice
Scottish Government: https://costofliving.campaign.gov.scot/
Energy Advice: https://www.energyadvice.scot/ or call 0808 196 8660